
             Below are photos and descriptions documenting our explorations of the area. We have made it our mission to see and experience as much of each area the military takes us and I have received numerous requests for more pictures! So here they are, in all their glory! Just as if we were explorers setting sail from Western Europe hundreds of years ago, we are charting a foreign land! Well, for us at least!

July 5, 2012
Seminole Canyon State Park

          This marked our first real exploration in Texas. We began going through the museum area located in the visitor center, which was of the utmost quality!! There were artifacts, mock living set ups, photographs and lots to read on the walls! Then we took a "rugged" hike, as the website described it (but it was not so rugged), down to the canyon floor and then up to the cut-out area in the side of the canyon wall where all of the pictographs are. These are the best pictures I have, it was amazing to see! A little piece of me wishes I would have still pursued archaeology as a profession...This is evidence of why.


Seminole Canyon from above at the Visitor Center
Looking up to the area where the pictographs are
from the bottom of the canyon.
Huge area in the side of the canyon!
Those are pictographs!

Can't contain myself!! Those were drawn there thousands
of years ago! My husband pointed out  that top-left image looks
like a train....5seconds later, the tour guide said that...

Kind of difficult to get the scale, but these human figures
were huge! So cool!

Looking Left up the canyon from the pictograph area.

Looking Right down the canyon from the pictograph area

Mr. Deer-Headed Human-Bodied Statue...
I actually really, really like it, and it's huge in person!

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