Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Undertaking

          Foreign endeavors you say?... So she is traveling? Yes. To a foreign country? I would say it counts...well ok, it's just another state, but it might as well be a different country. I have found myself in Texas which is quite a change from the great northwest state of Oregon where I have lived my entire 22 (almost 23) years. Of course before leaving the beautiful Portland, my mind was stock piled with southern stereotypes, fears of a drastic climate change, and anticipations of having to buy numerous hair products-in bulk-to keep my thick curly hair under control. All of which, later I will tell you were mostly accurate stock pilings.
           Of course the locale is not the only foreign element to me currently, it is just one among many.  A little over 2 months ago, on a beautiful April day in Oregon, I married my best friend. I was told it would be unlikely beautiful, because lets face it, it rains in Oregon...a lot, but aghast! the skies opened up and it was blue skies and sunshine smiling on us all day. This is the man who on New Years Eve let me wear his shoes instead of my 4 inch heels, that were of course killing my feet, to walk quite a few blocks back from the bar as he walked the streets of Portland in just his socks (as my Best Friend/Maid of Honor shared in her amazing wedding toast). Besides being a newlywed, a new college graduate, now living with a boy (eww), and having our own house, I am also entering the culture that is the US Military and military spouses as they (we?) are called; much, much more about this phenomenon later. Needless to say, a lot of changes happening at once and I need a constructive way to "freak out" about them.
Our very first home here in Texas. Let the endeavors begin!
           So, it is here I wish to share my new, exciting, overwhelming, and hopefully hilarious endeavors with you, all of which will surely have some foreign element to it. My undertaking here is three fold; first, to document this grand adventure that will become a very significant time in my life. I say "adventure" because this is the term my family and friends used in their reassurances when I was constantly biting my nails and pacing about moving to Texas and being a "grown-up". Second, I love writing and now without school for the first time in 17 years, I have less opportunities to write unless I take it on myself. I also like to believe that I have interesting and important things to say through this writing; you will be the judge. And third, to tell some amusing stories, because anyone who knows me understands that I am a little bit ridiculous and a lot bit dramatic. So please, family and friends, sit back and enjoy my foreign endeavors as I take on "grown-up" life. I mean, how foreign could it be?

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